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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Magnetic Hunting Mitts

Thought I'd share this little tidbit with you all. This past fall I was setting up an orienteering course for the JCRs when I noticed my compass readings just didn't seem to make sense with what I knew about the local terrain. I was stumped until I moved to wipe the snow from my compass and saw the needle jump away from my hand. I was totally puzzled by this and completed the rest of the course without the mitts but with very cold hands. I couldn't make sense of it. There was no metal anywhere on my hands, or so I thought. It occurred to me later that they're hunting mitts where the the finger portion flips back to reveal gloved fingers inside allowing one to have easier access to the trigger on one's rifle. Some of these mitts use velcro to hold the forward portion of the mitt back out of the way. Not mine. They are held back by magnets. I had totally forgotten this as it was the first time I had had need to wear them.
Something to keep in mind when using a compass.

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