Canadian Rangers Carry Out “Exercise: Lost Lloyd”
Fall 2008
Hudson’s Hope Patrol of the Canadian Rangers conducted an exercise west of Moberly Lake recently. The Exercise, aimed at developing Search and Rescue as well as wilderness navigation skills also included Rangers from Tumbler Ridge and MacKenzie Patrols and a Ranger Instructor from Headquarters in Victoria.
Friday, October 12, 2008, had the Rangers arriving on the shores of lovely Pete Lake in Northeast BC to set up camp and check out the local terrain. Ranger Kyllo of Hudson’s Hope and Ranger Bruce of Mackenzie quickly demonstrated what can be accomplished when patrols work together as they handily retrieved two lost Rainbow Trout from the lake.
Saturday morning the Rangers were presented with the scenario of a missing hunter, “Lost Lloyd,” who had failed to return as scheduled. The search area was defined and the ground search was begun. The searchers quickly adapted to maintaining spacing and line while making their way through a varied landscape of mixed forest with both mature trees and blowdowns. Once located, our “missing hunter” provided another training opportunity as it was determined he was suffering from both a broken leg and hypothermia and required immediate care and evacuation. The Rangers found themselves improvising an emergency stretcher,while Ranger Brenzen of MacKenzie Patrol demonstrated his OFA III skills by rendering first aid to the casualty. He also gave us all one of those, “Ooooh! Moments by showing us what can be done with packing tape. I won’t share it here but if you’re ever in his presence, ask. I bet he’ll tell you. Once the stretcher was complete and the “Llyod” carefully evacuated the searchers returned to camp for lunch.
The afternoon saw the Rangers being given GPS training by Warrant Officer Hryroshen. This gave us all the opportunity to wander the bush in small groups with GPS as well as map and compass as we marked various routes and points. The bearings and reference numbers were later exchanged between the groups and we set out to track the paths of our fellows. This proved to be a little more challenging than first anticipated as very high voltage transmission lines in the area, at times played havoc with the GPS.
Not wishing to simply set around the fire that night, (Really! We didn’t.) we waited until dark to carry out a night ground search for the dummy, Lloyd, lost by the Patrol Commander of Hudson’s Hope Patrol earlier that day. It was obvious early on that the dark presented new challenges in successfully examining an area for a lost person who was not responsive. Despite the challenges however we were successful and Lloyd was recovered.
Sunday, following a leisurely breakfast, camp was broken, debrief made and Rangers departed from whence they came. As always it was agreed that we all benefit from these joint patrols as fresh ideas and sometimes better ways of doing things are shared amongst the patrols.